- F1 2013 classic edition gamestop full#
- F1 2013 classic edition gamestop Pc#
- F1 2013 classic edition gamestop professional#
While im not a great fan of yearly releases, I agree with the ClevernameX in saying that this is the best so far.

This is an AAA title for all F1 fans regardless of its shortcomings. I’ve put over 50 hours in the game and I don’t regret my purchase. What the hell? All that said, the game is a must if you like F1 (although by the time you read this, F1 2014 will have probably come out). The car was clearly undrivable with inters but the leaders didn’t pit and this didn’t affect their lap times at all. On one occasion there were 3 laps left and it started raining really hard (everyone was on inters until then). Also, AI opponents are clearly not affected by the weather the same way the player is. It’s generally a good idea to save before each pit stop (the Mid session save feature is pretty awesome), at least in changeable conditions. What’s more frustrating is that this appears to happen only right after you pit. Half a lap later, the track is suddenly too wet for dries and you have to pit again to put on inters. This is a common scenario: the track seems fit for intermediate tyres, so you pit and guess what? half a lap later your tyres overheat and you have to put on dries, even though the track is clearly pretty wet. I can’t tell you how many races have been ruined by this. (to be fair, I don’t know if this is an issue if you shift gears manually) - Track condition changes way too radically when it rains (or stops raining). I kinda doubt tyre wear works like that in the real F1.

As a result the engine revs like no tomorrow and you end up losing tons of time not in corners (as you’d expect) but rather on straight lines. Yes it’s true that in the 2013 season tyre wear played a major role in each race, but I feel it wasn’t realistically portrayed in the game, where, if you fail to pit in time the gearbox apparently has trouble shifting up. However this only works intermittedly as more often than not you get fuel for just 1 extra lap - The biggest issue of all: tyre wear scaling is way too punishing to the point of being unrealistic. When you select “cautious” as your fuel strategy you’re supposed to have fuel for 5 extra laps.
F1 2013 classic edition gamestop professional#
On the Professional AI setting (only Expert is harder) this is still an issue that takes away from the realism of the race -ĚI cars hesitate to make a move on you even when they’re tremendously faster, like 2-3 seconds a lap faster - The “fuel strategy” menu that pops up before the race is bugged. It’s *very * easy to pass 6-7 cars on the first corner since they seem really eager to slam on the breaks way more than they need to. And it kinda is but don’t get me wrong there’s some major issues with the game: -ĚI cars make very bad starts.
F1 2013 classic edition gamestop Pc#
Of course there’s probably not much room for improvement as far as the PS3 version is concerned (never played the game on PC but I read its graphics are pretty impressive), and graphics aren’t really that big of a concern as long as the gameplay is solid. The graphics aren’t that great, I mean the cars look ok but the circuits look pretty bland.
F1 2013 classic edition gamestop full#
The nature of F1 being what it is you’ll definitely get sore thumbs after a race of half or full distance regardless of difficulty/assists). You can play this game pretty casually, or turn off all assists, pump up the AI skill, hook up a steering wheel and throttle/break pedals (let’s face it, without many of the assists you can’t really drive properly with the standard Dualshock controller. The first thing you notice is just how much you can adjust the difficulty. I’ve been watching F1 for a few years and I love the sport, and this franchise was one of the reasons I bought the console in the first place. You can play this game pretty casually, or turn off all assists, pump up the AI skill, hook up a steering So uhm, I got the game for the PS3.