
Aha moment quotes
Aha moment quotes

aha moment quotes

That single particularly insightful moment can be as valuable and joyous as a whole lot of moments. Kids can reflect upon this or, alternatively, they can compare an “AHA!” moment to a kind of beacon that has the potential to light the way for sharper or more discerning ways of seeing or doing things.

aha moment quotes

However, insight often materializes abruptly or spontaneously, as when an unanticipated idea suddenly takes root, like a seedling that gets planted and then sprouts. Insight can be acquired as a result of extensive or concentrated understandings, and through study and learning. “A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.” It may be upon waking from a dream, out of the blue, in a classroom, in the shower, while exercising, at the park, when listening to music… Kids can think about the many times they have felt inspired. The second quote emphasizes the importance of being open to possibilities whenever or wherever they occur. Children can be shown how and why this is true. Effort can lead to inspired accomplishment. The first quote about inspiration conveys the importance of working-whether independently or collaboratively. Then I had an “AHA!” moment (albeit a rather small one), and I realized that I could cite both.

aha moment quotes

I struggled for a while, unable decide which of these two quotes to use here. “Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.” And check out the " Raising Entrepreneurs Podcast" link as well to learn about one boy's "momentous" creation.) (For example, please refer to the two articles noted in the resources at the end of this article for strategies to help kids tackle confusion or challenge. Talk to kids about what an “AHA!” moment is ( Eureka! Wow!), what it may lead to (such as deeper curiosity, and innovative problem-solving), and what to do if things get tough along the way. An “AHA!” moment can be doubt-laden-because seeing it through to a pending outcome could be a risky, mysterious, jittery, or scary endeavor-or it can be exhilarating and potentially productive. They will come to appreciate that they can do more, and potentially feel more confident, if they learn to take a proactive stance. Help children to believe in their capabilities and strengths. “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

aha moment quotes

To that end, I punctuate each of the five points with a memorable quote, and some suggestions for making the most of those “AHA!” moments. The afore-mentioned dictionary definition’s points are realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, and comprehension, and these can act as a creativity compass of sorts. How? By supporting their interests and efforts demonstrating through our own creativity why it matters providing them with ample opportunities to inquire, learn, stretch their boundaries, and tackle challenges and encouraging them to embrace those “AHA!” moments that unexpectedly occur. And therefore, if we want children to choose to be creative, we must empower them to do so. I’ve written elsewhere and often that creativity is a choice. It may also be the impetus for creative expression. An “AHA!” moment can hit without warning, or come about after prolonged deliberation, but it can be the start of something marvellous-a flash that leads to a visionary idea, an exciting adventure, a solution to a problem, a collaborative endeavor, or an act of kindness. And so, this (whatever this is), demands our attention. We’ve all experienced those times when a sudden occurrence makes our eyes widen, heart quicken, gut contract, and awareness sharpen-any or all of which signify that whatever we’re encountering, or feeling, is potentially new or meaningful. Various images of an “enlightened” person with a lightbulb hovering overhead have become common-place over the past several decades. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an “AHA!” moment as “ a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension.” The expression “AHA!” moment apparently originated back in 1931, so it has been kicking around for almost 90 years. “Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.”

Aha moment quotes